Where can I find the ingredient list for your products?
Each Kettle Cuisine product has a dedicated page on our website, including nutritional information, ingredient listings, and any specific allergens. Simply search for the name of the product in our search engine found here, click the accurate product in the search results and you'll be directed to the product page.
Customer Complaints or Concerns?
If you are not happy with our products, please consider submitting an inquiry to: [email protected] with the following details:
· Name of the product(s) affected.
· A detailed description of the complaint, including any supporting evidence such as photos and/or documentation.
· The lot code and/or use-by date printed on the product.
· Location of where the product(s) was/were purchased.
Please note that a complaint can only be logged and investigated if all the abovementioned information is provided. If you are unable to provide any of the details above, please explain why in your initial submission.
The standard complaint response turn-around time is 72 business hours.
Thank you!
Kettle Cuisine
How are you keeping your team safe during the COVID 19 pandemic and ensuring safe, quality food is produced and customer service maintained?
Kettle Cuisine has developed COVID prevention and Business Continuity plans. Our sites are following CDC and local best-practice with measures such as social distancing, temperature checking on entry, mask-wearing, physical separation, contact tracing, and of course, our usual excellence in handwashing and sanitation. Our products have no exposure or physical handling after cooking and are produced under strictly controlled conditions. We have contingency planning in place and the ability to make many products in multiple locations.
- I own a store/restaurant, how can I buy your products?
I’m a consumer, can I buy your products?
As a wholesale manufacturer, Kettle Cuisine sells through foodservice and retail distribution. Unfortunately, we do not sell direct to consumers.
- I have a question regarding one of the products I’ve purchased, who can I contact?
- What is the best method for heating products?
Can I consume the product after the expiration date?
No, Kettle Cuisine does not recommend consuming any product after the expiration date.
The product I purchased is refrigerated, can I freeze it?
There are no food safety concerns if refrigerated product is frozen solid before printed code date. Depending on the type of product, the product quality may suffer due to the freezing process. issues on soups. Vegetables, rouxs, potatoes, and broths will react differently after freeze thaw. Kettle Cuisine does not recommend this practice and cannot stand behind product after its intended handling instructions have been altered.
Can I refreeze the product after it’s be defrosted?
From a quality standpoint, no, refreezing is not advisable.
Are your products Kosher?
No. Kettle Cuisine does not have any certified Kosher products within our portfolio.